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Phoenix Method Coaching for your


To progress, pivot or reset is the actual question!


At Phoenix Method Coaching, we offer tailored guidance to clarify goals, enhance skills, and navigate challenges. Empowering individuals to cultivate fulfilling and successful careers aligned with their aspirations and values.


Rejoining the Workspace:

Transitioning back into the workforce after a sabbatical, whether due to caregiving responsibilities, personal reasons, or unemployment, requires a 'Mindset Reset'

a plan of *A.C.Tion


Goal Setting:

Be S.M.A.R.T the Phoenix way!

Know the different strategies that are available to you to

replace the anxiety of Accountability with excitement, towards your goals.

 This is the most efficient way to stay on track and keep procrastination at bay.



Stress and Anxiety Management 

It is time to replace balance with Harmony!

PMC's Recovery-Resilience-Reset Method helps individuals with strategies to manage stress & anxiety, which ultimately helps with  'work-life harmony' & enhanced performance in the workplace.


Personal Branding

Personal branding in a career involves crafting a unique identity that highlights your skills, expertise, and values, positioning you as a distinct and valuable asset in your field. It's about creating a consistent and authentic narrative to attract opportunities, build credibility, and advance your professional goals.

Anchor 1

1:1 Private sessions


Awareness Acceptance .  Change Create . Transform

Bespoke 12 sessions, In-person or online sessions

  • Based on your assessment and learning style, sessions are designed.

  • Personalised Toolkits

  • Progress Tracker provided

  • Constant support between sessions.

Group Sessions 



3 months program, In-person or online sessions.

  • Each month has a 4 sessions, following a theme of Recover, Resilience and Reset.

  • Join either 1st, 2nd or all 3 months

  • 3 visualisation & meditation techniques.

  • Tasks to do between sessions.

  • Support between session via Whatsapp

Image by Lena Kudryavtseva




Gain clarity and confidence

to navigate career transitions effectively.


Gain work-life harmony. Enjoying your time on your terms and getting paid for it. 



Learn practical strategies to set and achieve, purpose driven personal and professional goals.​


Develop your unique and recognisable style of Leadership & influence. 

Client Testimony

"What helped my Career Transition was the re-wiring of my mindset to let go of the  fear of the unknown. With A.C.T Method, I leant what drives me and it helped me strengthen my beliefs to be excited about the unknown.

Today, I have pivoted my Interior Design career to working in Humanitarian industry, that I am very passionate about!"


- Dania Tachouali

Image by Kevin Bhagat
Ketki Chandavarkar Phoenix Method Coaching Career Transition.jpg
"Many associate their work with their identity, which is, what limits them & their growth. Knowing who you are & your values, allows you to expand, to reach our full potential!"

Ketki says

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